

How to play

VEGEtables has so many special features. My favorite is the regulation: simple, clear and that fits comfortably on an A4 sheet: one side in Italian, the other in English.

But there is more. Much more.

Mind Sports Olympiad

Since 1997, the "Mind Sports Olympics" have been held in London every year: Chess, Backgammon, Go, Carcassonne, Catan ... a list with over 50 titles.

And, since 2014, VEGEtables is one of the Official Disciplines.


Italian championship

A dozen VEGEtables tournaments are organized every year: the winners play the Masters Tournament at the end of the season, which awards the title of Italian Champion.

And from 2015 also in the Juniores version, reserved for those not yet 16 years old.

Area Download

From this link you can access the possibility to download all documents relating VEGEtables

Regulations, scorecard forms, tournament announcements and much more. But BEWARE !!! It is essential to register.


In the World

From Paris to London, from the Canary Islands to South Korea ... it doesn't seem like it, but VEGEtables has come a long way!

And hearing someone explain the rules in a language other than Italian is really exciting. In the pages of this section you can read the reports of the adventures outside the Italian borders.


Fairs and Presentations

But if this game isn't for sale in stores ... how do people know about it?

Throughout the year, throughout Italy, with the spearhead of PLAY in Modena, VEGEtables is present in the main trade fairs with its small stand. If you are reading these lines it is very likely that one day you sat at the table with me and I taught you to play.


In the end, only one question seems to have sense ... who is the best VEGEtables player?

Inspired by the ELO score of chess, I developed a system that "weighs" the performance, in the tournament, of each player and expresses their playing strength with a numerical value. It sounds complicated, but if you click here it becomes easy.

Registered users
Organized tournaments
Downloaded documents
Players in tournaments

Double Deck




In troppe occasioni ho sentito la mancanza di un testo, sul tema dei giochi di carte, che non proponesse i soliti argomenti: tutto quello che si trova in libreria è, nel migliore dei casi, incasellabile in due grossolane categorie... o libri "troppo tecnici" (in genere dei noiosissimi mattoni monotematici) e quindi riservati agli addetti ai lavori, o "troppo frivoli" e tesi a far credere che un gioco, dove la fortuna è (quasi) l'unico ingrediente, sia in realtà una ricetta meravigliosamente complessa eppure gradevolissima. Ma per favore.

Io, invece, vi propongo dell'altro...

...una chiave di lettura alternativa dello sconfinato mondo dei giochi di carte.

...un metodo didattico collocato nel punto di equilibrio tra i principianti (questo libro è rivolto a loro) e gli esperti giocatori (questo libro è pensato per loro)

...una visione personale e lontanissima dal politically correct che va tanto di moda.

...una selezione di giochi che possono essere affrontati da chiunque, ma che richiedono dedizione e impegno per essere padroneggiati.

In breve: centinaia, se non migliaia, di ore di divertimento.
