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Expert rules

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The basic rules of Vege tables are written for a carefree and light approach to the game. These rules come in handy when you are more interested in having fun rather than playing a "hard game" and generally are the correct way to teach children and young people how to play.

But after some games it becomes evident that the Joker cards have a great importance in the games' economy and finding them "randomly" (in the "Field" or in your own "Well") may result in a player having four Jokers and another player none; this creates important effects on the final result.

This feature was really obvious to me since Vege tables was born in my mind (spring 2011),so while i was creating the "basic rules", I also wrote the "Tournament rules", and in the first three years of Vege tables life, players of all experience levels were engaged by them, in over thirty tournaments.

Starting June 7, 2015 the tournament rules have changed. The development of Vege tables 2.0, and the previous regulations are now called "Expert rules"...therefore they maintain their validity in friendly matches, in situations where you want to add a strong share of commitment and make sure that luck may influence the game as little as possible.

Understanding these rules provides a prerequisite: knowing how to play the basic version of Vege tables, against which proposals are only the differences. The full version of each version of the Regulation can be downloaded, as always, in the Download Area. Remember that you must be a registered user to access the reserved features.

Game for 2 players

Official Rules apply for 2 players with the following changes:

The Dealer keeps separated the 8 Jokers from other green back cards and places the little deck near the shared well.

The Dealer adds a Jolly as the last card on the bottom, to the first shared well, (composed by 10 cards with a white back).
Every time the shared well is depleted, its reconstituted with eight cards from the green back deck, to which are added
two Jokers, one on top and one on the bottom. The last shared well will only have a Joker as first card.

This system ensures that players have an equal number of Jokers.

When the Joker is played:
Contrary to what happens in other regulations "for experts", the card that the Joker has replaced is NOT playable as a valid scrap pass, but its actually canceled from the game as in the "basic rules".

But it is up to the player to decide WHEN to get rid of the "burned" card. In that moment, he will take one more card from the shared well, this way he will have eleven cards in hand once again.

There aren't any other differences.

Game for 4 players / Partnership

The Official Rules are applied for 4 players / Partnership with the following changes:

The Dealer keeps the 8 Jokers separated from the other green back cards and when the "Well" cards are dealt to the players (using only 4 cards for each "Well"), he adds TWO Jokers to each "Well". By doing so you will give all players the same chance to unlock a game strategy that an opponent is holding closed, but this also gives you the opportunity to calculate how many Jokers have already been played and, therefore, how many remain to be play.

When the Joker is played:
When you play the Joker replacing a card, this is not "burned", but remains playable as waste, which is a valid move in all cases. This allows the player to pass his hand without putting into play other cards.

There aren't other differences.

Game for 5 players


The Official Rules applied for 5 players with the following changes:

These operations take place in the order showed below immediately before the Dealer takes vision of the two white back cards that have remained from the distribution, he then decides who to give them to as explained in the standard regulation.

The Dealer...

  1. ...Keeps the 9 Jokers separated from the other green back cards.
  2. ...Deals 6 white back cards to each player. Two more cards will be later assigned.
  3. ...Places the "Field" (16 green back cards).
  4. ...Deals out 3 "Well" cards to each player, and adds the remaining card to his own "Well".
  5. ...Adds ONE Joker to each player's "Well". Four Jokers will remain to be assigned later.
  6. ...Proceeds with the assignment of the two white back cards.

How to assign the four extra Jokers:
As soon as a player will collect their own well (scoring 40 points), the dealer will add the remaining Jokers to the wells of all other players.

When the Joker is played:
When you play the Joker replacing a card, this is not for "burned", but remains playable as waste, which is valid move in all respects. This allows the player to move his hand without putting into play other cards

There aren't other differences.

Game for 3 players


The Official Rules applied for 5 players with the following changes:


These operations take place in the order showed below immediately before the Dealer takes vision of the two white back cards that have remained from the distribution, he then decides who to give them to as explained in the standard regulation.

The Dealer...


  1. ...Keeps the 8 Jokers separated from the other green back cards.
  2. ...Deals 10 white back cards to each player. Two more cards will be later assigned.
  3. ...Places the "Field" (16 green back cards).
  4. ...Deals out 5 "Well" cards to each player, and adds the remaining card to his own "Well".
  5. ...Adds ONE Joker to each player's "Well". Two Jokers will remain to be assigned later.
  6. ...Proceeds with the assignment of the two white back cards.


How to assign the two extra Jokers:

As soon as a player will collect their own well (scoring 20 points), the dealer will add the remaining Jokers to the wells of all other players.

When the Joker is played:

When you play the Joker replacing a card, this is not for "burned", but remains playable as waste, which is valid move in all respects. This allows the player to move his hand without putting into play other cards

There aren't other differences.