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Vege tables for 4: the scores

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Each time you complete a sequence, playing one of the fruit/vegetable cards (17 to 20) you will earn 10 (ten) points.

If, closing the sequence, you also complete the color family, you shall add another 30 points.

In addition, you may gain points with the collection of your well, when, during your turn, you prove to have less than 6 (six) cards in hand.

10 points will be assigned for each player who still has to pick up the well, as such, we will have 30 points to the first, 20 points to the second and 10 to the third. The last player to collect the well does not gain points.

Lastly, there are closure points. When the player finishes all the cards that he has been assigned, the player receives 10 points for each sequence still not closed.

Remember to claim the score update every time you earn points.